Tom Kelliher, CS 325
Feb. 3, 2010
Team names and member lists due Friday.
Defense mechanisms, controls, and effectiveness.
and }
sub foo { (my $refCount, my @inodeList) = @_; ...
my $sum = 0; foreach my $current (@data) { sum += $current; }
return ($i, $j, 1, 2);
print header; print start_html(-title=>"MinMax Example", -text=>"#800000", -bgcolor=>"#80ffff"), "\n"; print h2("Hi $name!!"), "\n"; print p, "\n"; print h3("Min: $minmax[0]. Max: $minmax[1]."), "\n"; print end_html;
CGI application must generate more than a plain HTML document. Consider:
Content-Type: text/html\n\n
POST: form parameters passed to application via STDIN. Safer.
GET: form parameters made a part of the action URL.
use CGI qw(:standard);
my $name = param("name");Works for both POST and GET.
@numbers = split(/,/, $list);
Open CGI access is a privilege, as it is a large security risk. Do not abuse this privilege.
Work individually or in groups of two.