Digital Logic Design

CS 240
Spring 2006

Thomas P. Kelliher
Hoffberger 140
Office phone: (410) 337-6189
Home phone: (410) 931-2946
E-mail: kelliher AT DOMAIN
Office hours: MWThF 10:30-11:20am. Other times by appointment.

Hoffberger 149
MWF 1:30-2:20pm
Three credits.
Class home page:


M. M. Mano and C. R. Kime, ``Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals,'' 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 2004. Includes student edition of the Xilinx software (6.3I). Required.

Grade Distribution

A = [92%-100%], A- = [90%-92%), B+ = [88%-90%), B = [82%-88%), B- = [80%-82%), etc. Grades are ``one point rounded.''

Course Point Distribution

There are tentatively 700 total points for the course:

  1. Assignments. There will be approximately six written assignments. Each assignment will be worth 50 points and be due in class. 10% of the maximum grade will be deducted per day from late assignments (the weekend counts as one day). Assignments over two days late will not be accepted.

  2. Semester exams. There will be two exams, tentatively on the following dates: Mar. 3 and Apr. 14. Each will be worth 100 points.

  3. Final. There will be a cumulative final, scheduled by SAS. The final is worth 200 points.

Current grades (password protected) may be viewed on the class home page.

Course Handouts:

Course handouts will be made available once in class. After that, they may be obtained from the class home page.

Attendance of classes is expected. It is your responsibility to catch up on missed class work.

Electronic Communication:

From time-to-time, I will need to send e-mail messages to the class. These messages will be addressed to your official Goucher e-mail addresses. You are responsible for checking your e-mail on a timely basis.

Cell phones must be turned off or set to ``silent'' during class. If you must enter late, do so as unobtrusively as possible. Likewise if you must leave early. Please use mental telepathy if you must hold a personal conference during class. I have ways of making you not talk!

Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. We are all bound by the Academic Honor Code.

Thomas P. Kelliher 2006-01-30
Tom Kelliher