Tom Kelliher, CS 240
Mar. 1, 2006
Study for the exam:
Carry-lookahead and signed-digit addition.
Exam I.
VHDL is case insensitive!!
Library includes; Entity declaration; Architectural definition of entity;
-- This is a comment. library ieee, lcdf_vhdl; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all, lcdf_vhdl_.func_prims.all;Reserved words: library, use, .all.
Similar to import, include statements.
entity entity_name is port(i0, i1, i2 : in std_logic; o0 : out std_logic); end entity_name;Reserved words: entity, is, port, in, out, end.
Note that entity_name
follows end
architecture arch_name of entity_name is component declarations; signal declarations; begin VHDL statements; end arch_name;Reserved words: architecture, of, begin.
must match. arch_name
is just a ``place holder''
-- possible to describe an entity with multiple architectures.
Again, note that arch_name
follows end
component component_name port(i0, i1 : in std_logic; o0 : out std_logic); end component;Reserved words: component.
Like base class declarations in C++.
signal s0, s1, s2 : std_logic;Similar to variable declarations.
library ieee, lcdf_vhdl; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all, lcdf_vhdl_.func_prims.all; entity EXOR2 is port(i2, i1, i0 : in std_logic; o : out std_logic); end EXOR2; arch structural of EXOR2 is component NOT1 port(in1 : in std_logic; out1 : out std_logic;); end component; component NAND3 port(in1, in2, in3 : in std_logic; out1 : out std_logic); end component; component NAND4 port(in1, in2, in3, in4 : in std_logic; out1 : out std_logic); end component; signal i2_n, i1_n, i0_n, t3, t2, t1, t0 : std_logic; begin g0: NOT1 port map(i2, i2_n); g1: NOT1 port map(i1, i1_n); g2: NOT1 port map(i0, i0_n); g3: NAND3 port map(i2_n, i1_n, i0, t3); g4: NAND3 port map(i2_n, i1, i0_n, t2); g5: NAND3 port map(i2, i1_n, i0_n, t1); g6: NAND3 port map(i2, i1, i0, t0); g7: NAND4 port map(t3, t2, t1, t0, o); end structural;
Write structural VHDL for carry bit of full adder.