Using xv to Convert an Image File

CS 320

Apr. 25, 2005

The texture map utilities we're using require the image file to be in Iris rgb format. The following instructions guide you through the conversion process. Assume that the name of the input image file is foo.bmp and that you initially log in to a workstation that has the Cygwin software installed.

  1. From your network drive, sftp foo.bmp to phoenix.

  2. Start Cygwin and use it to establish an X Window connection to phoenix.

  3. Right click on the background, open the Tools menu, and select Terminal. A shell window will open.

  4. In the shell, type
    xv foo.bmp
    If /usr/local/bin is not in your executable path, type /usr/local/bin/xv rather than xv.

  5. Right click the mouse on the xv window that pops up. The xv controls window pops up. In the xv controls window click the save button. The xv save window pops up. In this window set the Format to IRIS RGB and Colors to Full Color. Click Ok. This will create the file foo.rgb.

  6. Back in xv controls click Quit.

  7. close the shell window by typing exit.

  8. Exit Cygwin by clicking the Exit button within the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

  9. Sftp foo.rgb from phoenix to the network drive folder where it is needed.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Thu Apr 21 16:54:24 EDT 2005
Tom Kelliher