Study Questions for Quiz 5
Tom Kelliher, CS 102
Mar. 12, 2004
- Pixel.
- GIF.
- Transparency.
- Cropping.
- Image dimensions: width, height, depth.
- When would you export an image in GIF format? In JPEG format?
- What is the relationship between image quality and image compression?
- What is the relationship between the number of colors in an image and
its size?
- Does Paint Shop Pro allow us to change the number of colors in an
image? Vary its compression ratio? Change the size of an image? Crop an
image? Export GIF and/or JPEG images? Import images from a scanner?
- Why would we want to minimize the size of an image?
- From our discussion of evaluating web pages, what key items should
Web pages you design contain to assure others of the usefulness of your Web
pages? Do any of these represent security risks? If so, how would you
reconcile the need to have the information on your Web pages vs. your
security needs?
- List three design principles for producing effective, visually
appealing Web pages. Briefly explain the importance behind your design
- Describe a situation in which we would prefer to use FrontPage's HTML
editor rather than its WYSIWYG editor.
- Briefly describe how to use FrontPage to insert a hyperlink into a
Web page.
- What must must you do with your Web pages before others can view
Thomas P. Kelliher
Thu Mar 11 15:36:10 EST 2004
Tom Kelliher