Final Project

CS 320

150 points, due and demo-ed
at the final, May 12

Using your 3-D maze as a starting point, add the following:

  1. ``Realistic'' lighting. At least two light sources, one moving and one fixed. (You may suggest variations, subject to my approval.)

  2. Texture mapping. Nearly all objects should be realistically texture mapped. You must have a good reason for not texture mapping any objects (e.g., you need a shiny metal ball).

  3. Achieve a reasonable frame rate: 30 frames a second or better. Upon exit, dump the frame rate out to the console.

  4. Add one animated ``signature'' object. Some possible ideas: a simple ceiling fan, a self-assembling ice cream cone, etc.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Tue Apr 22 12:59:08 EDT 2003
Tom Kelliher