Command Line Arguments, I/O, OpenGL Intro

Tom Kelliher, CS 320

Jan. 22, 2001




From Last Time

Pointers, malloc(), and free().


  1. Conclusion of C intro.

  2. OpenGL intro lab.

Coming Up

Chapter 1.

Conclusion of C Introduction

  1. Accessing the command line from a C program: commandLine.c.

  2. The command line and Visual C++.

  3. atoi().

  4. I/O in C with (printf():
    1. The format string.

    2. Outputting a constant string.

    3. \n.

    4. Conversion specifiers for ints, chars, and strings.

    5. For more, refer to Section 3 of the man pages.

OpenGL and Visual C++

OpenGL Introduction lab.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Sat Jan 20 11:09:28 EST 2001
Tom Kelliher