Inside a PC, MS Word Lab
Tom Kelliher, CS 102
Jan. 24, 2001
Quiz 1 on Friday, at beginning of class. Any questions?
Data storage, computer programs, PC parts.
- Inside a PC.
- MS Word lab.
More MS Word labs (bring you lab book).
Let's open the box and see what's inside.
- Actively work with your lab partner --- make sure you
understand what we're doing and why.
- If you get stuck on something, try to get help from a neighboring
group before calling me --- There's only one of me and many of you!
- The shared network drive:
- You'll find the practice MS Word documents there.
First, copy the document to a folder. Work on the copy.
- How does it differ from my
- Creating your own folder for sharing lab work with your partner.
What's another way to share the lab work?
- There's no privacy on the shared drive. Everyone can access everyone
else's work completely: read, modify, even delete.
- Today's lab: Project 3 in the Word 97 Essentials lab book.
Thomas P. Kelliher
Tue Jan 23 10:52:15 EST 2001
Tom Kelliher