Eclipse and Subclipse

Tom Kelliher, CS 245

Sept. 26, 2008



Class diagrams (embed as much information in the diagrams as reasonably possible) and use case diagrams (and descriptions) due Wednesday.

Use case diagram: break into several if it makes sense to do so.


Read Chapter 4. Online essay.

From Last Time

Linux intro.


  1. Eclipse and Subclipse intro.

Coming Up

Product design.

Eclipse and Subclipse

What is Subversion and why do I care?

Things to see and try:

  1. Creating a new Eclipse project and running it.

  2. Connecting to a Subversion repository using Subclipse.

  3. Canonical structure of a project within a repository

  4. Sharing a project.

  5. Committing changes.

    Comment, comment, comment!

  6. Adding a file to the repository.

  7. Checking out a project.

  8. Dealing with conflicts.

  9. Disconnecting a project.


Working in twos or threes:

Create a project, named [Name]Exercise.

Create a class, Colors, in myPackage.

Copy and paste code from Practice into the newly-created class.

Share the project.

Checkout the project.

Make a change to the same line of the class file.

Try to update/commit.

Resolve the conflict.

Thomas P. Kelliher 2008-09-24
Tom Kelliher