Function Calls

Tom Kelliher, CS 220

Dec. 10, 2003



Friday's class will be 12:30--2:20.


From Last Time

Conditional execution.


  1. Function calls: stack execution model, memory use, call/return convention, example.

Coming Up

Continuation of this; review for the final.

Function Calls

Consider the following code fragment:

int min(int, int);
int factorial(int);

void main(void)
   int i = 3;
   int j = 5;
   int k;

   k = min(i + 3, j);

   /* Current values of i, j, k? */

   k = factorial(5);

int min(int a, int b)
   int i;

   if (a < b)
      i = a;
      i = b;

   b = 0;

   return i;

int factorial(int n)
   if (n <= 1)
      return 1;
      return n * factorial(n - 1);
  1. Caller/callee.

  2. Call by value parameters. Formal/actual. Other call mechanisms: address, reference, name, etc.

  3. How are the values passed? How is the return value returned? How is memory allocated?

  4. How are the recursive invocations of factorial() managed?

Stack Execution Model

  1. Maintain a stack of active function invocations:

    1. Stack frame.

    2. Contents of a frame: local variables, saved registers, return address, frame pointer of caller, actual parameters.

      Scratch-pad storage on top of the stack.

    3. Frame pointer and stack pointer.

    4. Caller vs. callee save.

  2. More detail: Suppose main calls factorial, using an on-stack parameter ( n) pass.

    factorial uses $s0 and has a local copy of n (inefficient).

    Example code snippets:

    lw $s0, 4($fp)
    sw $s0, -12($fp)
    sw $s0, 0($sp)
    sub $sp, $sp, 4

  3. Register usage convention:
    1. $v[0-1] --- function results.

    2. $a[0-3] --- function arguments.

    3. $t[0-9] --- caller save registers. (Except for two global pointers, ignore these registers.)

    4. $s[0-7] --- callee save registers.

    5. $sp --- top of stack pointer, pointing to first free location on execution stack.

    6. $fp --- frame pointer, pointing to base of current frame.

    7. $ra --- return address.

Memory Use

  1. Upon entry to main, the frame stack is ready to go.

    Program parameters.

  2. main pushes its frame and gets to work.

  3. Upon exit, main restores $ra (among others) and executes jr $ra.

Call/Return Conventions

Use this sequence. Assume caller is calling callee.


  1. Store any caller save registers.

  2. Store any register parameters.

  3. Push any on-stack parameters (caller and callee must agree on order).

    (C: last pushed first.)

  4. Execute jal callee


  1. Push stack frame by subtracting size of frame from $sp.

    Number of words needed:

    1. One each for $fp and $ra.

    2. One for each $sx register used.

    3. One for each parameter and each local variable.

  2. Save registers ($fp, $ra, callee save), using $sp as base register.

  3. Set $fp by adding frame size to $sp and storing.

  4. (Optional) Copy parameters into frame.

  5. Body of callee executes. Frame references should use $fp as base register.

  6. Store return value in appropriate $ax registers.

  7. Restore saved registers, using $sp as base register.

  8. Pop frame from stack by adding frame size to $sp.

  9. Execute jr $ra


  1. Collect and store return values.

Example Code

  1. Consider the following C++ code which recursively computes the factorial:
    #include <stdio.h>
    int getnum(void);
    int factorial(int n);
    int main()
       int value;
       printf("Enter 0 to exit.\n");
       value = getnum();
       while (value != 0)
          printf("Factorial: %d\n", factorial(value));
          value = getnum();
       return 0;
    int getnum(void)
       int num;
       printf("Number: ");
       scanf("%d", &num);
       return num;
    int factorial(int n)
       if (n <= 1)
          return 1;
       return n * factorial(n - 1);

  2. Write MIPS program which passes parameters in registers.

  3. Frame maps:

  4. Here is the corresponding SPIM program:
    # factorial.spim --- A recursive SPIM program.  Demonstrates function
    #    call and return.
    prompt:     .asciiz "Number: "
    nl:         .asciiz "\n"
    instr:      .asciiz "Enter 0 to exit.\n"
    response:   .asciiz "Factorial: "
    # main
                .globl main
                sub $sp, $sp, 16     # Push frame & save registers.
                sw $fp, 16($sp)
                sw $ra, 12($sp)
                sw $s0,  8($sp)
                add $fp, $sp, 16
                li $v0, 4            # Print instruction.
                la $a0, instr
                jal getnum           # Get a number from keyboard.
                sw $v0, -12($fp)     # Store locally.
                move $s0, $v0
                beqz $s0, endwhile1  # Compute until 0 entered.
                li $v0, 4            # Print response prompt.
                la $a0, response
                move $a0, $s0        # Pass argument
                jal factorial        # Call
                move $a0, $v0        # Copy return value to print it
                li $v0, 1
                li $v0, 4            # Prepare to read next number.
                la $a0, nl
                jal getnum
                sw $v0, -12($fp)     # Store number just read.
                move $s0, $v0
                b while1
                lw $s0,  8($sp)      # Restore registers and pop frame.
                lw $ra, 12($sp)
                lw $fp, 16($sp)
                add $sp, $sp, 16
                li $v0, 0
                jr $ra               # Exit.
    # getnum --- returns integer read from keyboard through $v0.
                sub $sp, $sp, 12     # push frame & save registers.
                sw $fp, 12($sp)
                sw $ra,  8($sp)
                add $fp, $sp, 12
                li $v0, 4
                la $a0, prompt
                li $v0, 5
                syscall              # Value read left in $v0.
                sw $v0, -8($fp)
                lw $ra,  8($sp)      # restore registers & pop frame.
                lw $fp, 12($sp)
                add $sp, $sp, 12
                jr $ra
    # factorial --- compute factorial of $a0 and return result through
    #    $v0
                sub $sp, $sp, 16
                sw $fp, 16($sp)
                sw $ra, 12($sp)
                sw $s0,  8($sp)
                add $fp, $sp, 16
                sw $a0, -12($fp)       # Our value n.
                move $s0, $a0
                bgt $s0, 1, recurse  # Base case.  Return 1
                li $v0, 1
                lw $s0, 8($sp)
                lw $ra, 12($sp)
                lw $fp, 16($sp)
                add $sp, $sp, 16
                jr $ra
    recurse:    sub $a0, $a0, 1      # Recursive call.  Compute (n-1)!
                jal factorial
                mul $v0, $v0, $s0    # n * (n-1)!
                lw $s0, 8($sp)
                lw $ra, 12($sp)
                lw $fp, 16($sp)
                add $sp, $sp, 16
                jr $ra

Thomas P. Kelliher
Tue Dec 9 17:31:28 EST 2003
Tom Kelliher