HTML Coding

Tom Kelliher, CS 102

Oct. 8, 2003



Written quiz Friday.


Read 4.4--4.5. Questions on pp. 237--239: 3, 14, and 25. Online quiz.

From Last Time

Evaluating web pages.


  1. Questions regarding the quiz?

  2. Introduction.

  3. Lab.

Coming Up

Introducing FrontPage.


Walk students through the lab, highlighting the tags, etc. they'll need to use:

Step 2:
The image type will be visible below the file name.

Step 4:
Don't forget to quote the filename.

Step 5:
The needed tags are <title></title>, <h1></h1>.

The color attributes go inside the <body> tag.

Step 6:
The tags are <p>, <b></b>, <i></i>, <font color="red"></font>,
<font face="Arial"></font>.

Again, attributes go inside the tag.

Why is Refresh important?

Step 7:
The tags are <a href=""></a>, <img src="filename">.

Step 8:
The tags are <hr>.

Note that the script given is a safe script.


Refer to handout.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Wed Oct 8 11:22:52 EDT 2003
Tom Kelliher