Unix Lab 3

CS 245

Oct. 30, 2002

  1. Log into your account on black.

  2. Read the rcsintro man page to gain more familiarity with RCS' capabilities.

  3. Complete the Revision Control System (RCS) tutorial available at
    http://www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dbutler/tutorials/winter96/rcs/ (use the link off the class home page).

    Usage hint: Create a directory with a name of RCS within the directory where you will be editing your files for this lab or, later, for your project source files. The RCS files will be stored within this sub-directory rather than within your main editing directory, removing some clutter from your life.

    There are a number of useful keywords that you can embed within an RCS file (typically within a program comment at the top of the file) to help identify the modifications performed upon the file. $Id$ is one such keyword you can experiment with. Refer to the man page for co for the others. For example:

     * hello.c: The classic "Hello, world!" program in C.
     * $Id$
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main()
       printf("Hello, world!\n");
       return 0;

Thomas P. Kelliher
Tue Oct 29 11:59:55 EST 2002
Tom Kelliher