Grade Distribution
A = [92--100],
A- = [90--92),
B+ = [88--90),
B = [82--88),
B- = [80--82),
Course Point Distribution
There will be approximately 1,000 total points for the class. They will be
distributed as follows:
- Labs and Post-Labs --- A programming lab will be assigned for
each chapter of the text. Labs will be done in class with a
partner, so that you can develop teamwork skills. Post-lab assignments
will be assigned on an individual basis to ensure that you have
understood the material covered in the lab. Post-labs will be assigned
as homework assignments. Each lab or post-lab is worth 20 points.
Labs and post-labs will be collected at the beginning of class
on the due date. Any work received after this time will be considered
late. Work one day late will be penalized 10%; two days, 20%; three
days, 30%. Work later than three days will not be accepted. The
weekend counts as one day.
If you are not present on a day for which a lab is scheduled and have a
valid excuse, you will be permitted to make-up the work. Otherwise, you
will not be permitted to make-up the work.
- Online CS Toolbox --- 40 points.
- Quizzes --- Six short quizzes will be
given on the following dates: Sept. 6 and 20, Oct. 16, Nov. 1 and 22,
and Dec. 6. The lowest quiz score will be dropped. No make-ups will be
given. Each quiz is worth 20 points.
- Exams --- There will be two in-class exams, on Oct. 4 and Nov. 8.
If you cannot take one of these exams on the scheduled day, let me know
as soon as possible. If you have a good reason, a make-up will be
scheduled. This make-up must be scheduled to be taken within 48 hours
of the in-class exam. Each exam will be worth 175 points.
- Final --- The cumulative final will be worth 250 points.
No extra credit is available.