Tom Kelliher, CS 220
Aug. 31, 2001
Read 1.3 of Mano.
Base conversion and character representation.
Why are computers digital?
What number system do they use?
How do we represent 0 and 1? Voltage.
Logic levels for SN7400 5 V part (see class home page for data sheet):
Example: 7400 two-input NAND gate waveform. Note voltage vs. time.
Why is digital logic binary?
Positional, weighted number systems. Example of a non-weighted number system: Roman numerals. Example of non-positional non-weighted number system: unary.
Radix, digit set.
Radix point.
We can substitute any radix and digit set we want.
Binary point
(Octal is similar --- study on your own.)
How? --- Powers of two.
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Meaning of unsigned.
Convert the following binary numbers to hexadecimal and decimal: