
Tom Kelliher, CS 319

Sept. 1, 2000



See class home page for links:

  1. Free Riding on Gnutella.

  2. Eric Raymond's The Cathedral and The Bazaar.


Chs. 1--4 of Brooks.

From Last Time

What last time?


  1. Syllabus.

  2. Project possibilities.

  3. Students' course expectations.

Coming Up


  1. Personal home page, office hours, class time.

  2. Objectives:
    1. Large programs are quantitatively different from ``toy'' programs.

    2. Large programming project management? Schedule, personnel, budget, documentation, maintenance, etc.?

    3. Class approach.

    4. Project approach.

  3. Late assignment policy: 10% off the first day late, another 10% the second day late. Assignments more than two days late not accepted.

  4. Missed exam policy: if you can't make it to an exam, make arrangements with me beforehand. Exceptions granted for emergencies.

  5. Course home page: Items of general interest, labs, solutions, meeting outlines.

  6. Attendance: participation is an essential part of the learning process. Readiness: Assigned readings expectation. Integrity: Honor code.

Project Possibilities

Do we have the right mix of people, skills, personalities, and maturity levels?


  1. Online conference registration application.

  2. Online application for flexibly permitting/denying access to personal web pages.

  3. Online exam administration application.

  4. ???


  1. One company:
    1. Divisions: Marketing, Development, Implementation. Each has a manager. Development has requirements specifications and architecture groups.

    2. Will take design process fully through implementation.

    3. Issues: Communication, critical path.

  2. Two companies:
    1. Divisions: Marketing and Development. Each has a manager. Development has requirements specifications and architecture groups.

    2. Will take design process fully through architectural design.

    3. Issues: Managers must insulate me better.

    4. ???

Discussion of Students' Course Expectations

Comments on what I've set out?

Assignment: discuss the project possibilities and e-mail me, collectively, a report before leaving class today.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Thu Aug 31 10:51:19 EDT 2000
Tom Kelliher