Applets and Methods

Tom Kelliher, CS 116

Sept. 11, 2000




Read Section 2.3.

From Last Time

Lab recap, intro. to applets.


  1. Methods: declarations, parameters, inheritance, overriding. Calling.


  3. Add class example.

Coming Up

2-D graphics programming in Java.


Continued from last time:

  1. method declaration:
    public void paint(Graphics g)
       // ...
    1. Meanings? Parameters, return value.

    2. The signature never changes.

    3. Method declaration, formal parameters.

    4. Inheritance and Overriding.

      We will nearly always override paint(), which is defined in the Component class:

      Working up the class hierarchy to find a method definition.

  2. Calling an object's method: g.drawString("Hello, world!", 20, 10);
    1. General form:
      returnValue = objectName.methodName(parameter list);
         // "Parameter" is a synonym for "argument."

  3. Comments: Purpose of comments. Ways to lessen the need for comments.


  1. What does every applet require, in terms of statements, declarations?

  2. What must a statement end with?

  3. How is a class delimited? A method?


Purpose of an applet's paint() and init() methods, within the context of MS Windows.

Apply this to

Another Applet Example


  1. Adds two numbers, displaying sum.

  2. Documentation conventions.

  3. Instance, local variables.

  4. init() method vs. paint() method.

  5. String concatenation in drawString().

  6. The add() method:
    1. Definition vs. call.

    2. Formal vs. actual parameters.

//      Project:    CS 116, applet demo
//      Author:     Tom Kelliher
//      File:
//      Purpose:    To further demonstrate some simple properties of
//                  applets.

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;

//      Class:      add
//      Purpose:    Display the sum of two integers.

public class Add extends Applet
   int augend = -45;
   int addend =  34;
   Font f = new Font("Helvetica",Font.BOLD,18);

   //   Method:     init
   //   Purpose:    Set background color.

   public void init()

   //   Method:     paint
   //   Purpose:    Set foreground color and font.
   //               Display the sum string.
   //   Input:      A graphics object.

   public void paint(Graphics g)
      int sum;

      sum = add(augend, addend);

      g.drawString(augend + " + " + addend + " = " + sum, 50, 50);

   //   Method:     add
   //   Purpose:    Add two integers, returning their value.
   //   Input:      Two integers.
   //   Output:     Returns the sum of the integer.

   public int add(int a, int b)
      int s;   // The sum.

      s = a + b;
      return s;
Run the applet.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Fri Sep 8 09:20:19 EDT 2000
Tom Kelliher