Exam II Review

Tom Kelliher, CS 116

Nov. 17, 2000




Finish GalaEvents part of Lab 6 by start of class, Monday after Thanksgiving. Don't submit anything yet.

From Last Time

Lab 6.


  1. Exam review.

  2. Continuation of Lab 6.

Coming Up


Exam Review

Four concept questions: events, boolean and comparison expressions, variables and scope, parameters and return values.

Two code writing questions: write a class (similar to last quiz), write a small applet (event handling).

  1. Methods: Parameter passing and return values.
    1. Formal and actual parameters.

    2. The return statement. A method's return type.

    3. Example:
      public void caller()
         int answer,  b = 5,  c = 12;
         answer = callee(b, c / b + 5);
      public int callee(int i, int j)
         if (i > j)
            return i - j;
         else if (i < j)
            return return j - i;
            return -1;
      Assume that execution begins in caller(). What values are assigned to i, j, and answer? Answer: 5, 7, and 2. Try with different values of b and c.

  2. Variables: Local variables, instance variables, scope.
    1. Variable types: primitive, classes.

    2. When to use local and instance variables. Access to instance variables.

    3. Scope of variables. What about parameter scope?

    4. Example:
      // Instance variables:
      int a = 1,  b = 2,  c = 3;
      public void method1()
         int a = 0,  b = 4;
         a = method2(b, a * c);
      public int method2(int a, int b)
         int c = 5;
         return a + b + c;
      Assume that execution begins in method1(). What value is assigned to a in method1()? Determining the values assigned to method2()'s formal parameters will help.

  3. Boolean and comparison operators: evaluation, precedence, associativity.
    1. Unary vs. binary operators. Operand types.

    2. Boolean operators: !, && ||.

    3. Comparison operators: <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=.

    4. Precedence (memorize):
      1. Unary +, -, ++, --, !, (type) (right)
      2. *, /, % (left)
      3. Binary +, - (left)
      4. <, <=, >, >= (left)
      5. ==, != (left)
      6. && (left)
      7. || (left)

  4. The if statement.

  5. Events: The four things an applet must have for handling events:
    1. import java.awt.event.*;

    2. A listener class: implements XXXListener

    3. Event sources must register: source.addXXXListener(listener);

    4. The listener class must implement the interface:
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
         // Code to deal with each source's event must be included
         // here.  The code will have to determine which source generated
         // the event.

    Example: See EtchASketch.java
    ( http://phoenix.goucher.edu/~kelliher/f2000/cs116/applets/EtchASketch.java).

  6. Classes/Interfaces, components, methods to be familiar with:
    1. Applet, ActionListener, String, ActionEvent.

    2. Button, Label

    3. setBackground(), setForeground(), setText().

    4. add(), addActionListener(), actionPerformed(), getActionCommand().

    5. equals().

Continuation of Lab 6

Thomas P. Kelliher
Thu Nov 16 17:22:53 EST 2000
Tom Kelliher