Computer Graphics

CS 320
Spring 1998

Thomas P. Kelliher
Hoffberger 140
Office phone: 337-6189
Home phone: 931-2946
Send mail to kelliher AT DOMAIN
Office hours: MWF 10:30--11:30am. Th 1:00-3:00pm. Other times by appointment.

Hoffberger 149
MWF 1:30--2:20pm


Our major objective is to do some interesting 3-D graphics programming in the OpenGL API using Visual C++ on Windows NT. We'll take a top-down approach. Specific objectives:

  1. Introduction to elements of computer graphics: hardware, algorithms, APIs, applications.

  2. 3-D graphics in OpenGL.

  3. Appreciate how computer graphics builds on and connects to all the computer science you've already learned.

  4. Develop a large programming project.


Other Resources:

OpenGL and other documentation and example programs will be made available through links to Web sites, man pages on phoenix, and file repositories on phoenix.


Grade Distribution

A = [92--100], A- = [90--92), B+ = [88--90), B = [82--88), B- = [80--82), etc.

Course Point Distribution

The following is tentative. There are 500 total points for the course.

  1. Assignments --- There will be four assignments during the semester. Most likely, three will be programming and one written. Each assignment will be worth 50 points. Late assignments will be accepted only by prior arrangement.

  2. Programming project --- The programming project will be worth 100 points. It will be an individual effort due on the last day of class. A list of projects will be made available, or you may suggest a project.

  3. Exams --- There will be one midterm and a final. Each will be worth 100 points. Tentatively, the midterm will be March 13.

Course Handouts:

Most course handouts will be made available once in class. After that, they may be obtained from the class home page on the World Wide Web (see the class URL above). Some course handouts will only be distributed through the class home page.


Attendance of classes, while not required, is quite important. Attendance and participation are necessary learning components. Please inform me beforehand if you will be absent. Remember that you are responsible for making up missed work.

I expect that you will complete reading assignments before class and come to class prepared to discuss the day's material. If you need to print a copy of an outline before class, please arrive early so that you don't cause a disruption at the beginning of class.


Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Refer to the Student Handbook.

Tentative Outline:

  1. Introduction.
  2. OpenGL.
  3. Color.
  4. Input.
  5. Geometric Transformations.
  6. 3-D Graphics.
  7. Rendering.
  8. Modeling.
  9. Algorithms.
  10. Advanced topics.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Mon Jan 19 15:33:19 EST 1998
Tom Kelliher