
Tom Kelliher, CS 320

Mar. 11, 1998

Announcements: pong due Friday.

From last time:

  1. Pong


  1. Preliminaries.

  2. Fractals.

  3. Julia-Fatou sets.

  4. Mandelbrot set.

Assignment: Read Section 9.5.


  1. : the ``imaginary'' number.

  2. Complex numbers.

  3. The complex plane.

    Representation of in the complex plane:

  4. Complex addition:

  5. Complex multiplication:

  6. Complex magnitude:

    (Cartesian distance)


  1. Fractal: Any object which has a substantial measure of exact or statistical self-similarity. Precisely speaking, true fractals have statistical self-similarity at all resolutions.

  2. Self-similar object: An object which can be translated, rotated, and scaled onto a sub-portion of itself.

  3. ``Self-similar'' objects: coasts, mountains, trees, plants.

  4. von Koch snowflake example:

    Scale snowflake by 1/3 and replace each of four ``segments'' with scaled snowflake.

Julia-Fatou Sets

  1. Consider the complex sequence:

    where is a point in the complex plane and c is a complex constant.

  2. What is the behavior if c=0?

  3. What can happen with the sequence?
    1. Be ``attracted'' to a finite value.

    2. Be attracted to infinity.

    3. Not be attracted to any value (diverge).

    The Julia-Fatou set is this latter set of values.

  4. Structure of Julia-Fatou sets: some simple, some complex.

  5. The notion of ``connectivity.''

Mandelbrot Set

  1. The Julia-Fatou set associated with a complex number.

  2. Definition: The Mandelbrot set consists of those complex numbers whose associated Julia-Fatou set is ``connected.''

  3. Consider computing the Mandelbrot set.

  4. An approximation. Consider the sequence:

    where z is a point in the complex plane which we're considering for inclusion in the Mandelbrot set. Notes:

    1. Usually run 100--1,000 iterations.

    2. The point's color is chosen as a function of how many iterations are completed before , where t is a threshold value.

    3. Increasing the number of iterations and/or the threshold improves the approximation.

    4. Typical values: 100 iterations, threshold of 2.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Wed Mar 11 09:08:56 EST 1998
Tom Kelliher