Mechanics and Introduction

Tom Kelliher, CS 320

Jan. 23, 1998



  1. Syllabus.

Assignment: Read Chapters 1 and 4.

Notes on the Syllabus

  1. Objectives:
    1. Top-Down approach.

    2. Do some interesting 3-D graphics programming in OpenGL. Large, individual project.

    3. Learn about graphics: hardware, algorithms, APIs, and applications.

    4. Learn about imaging systems and color.

    5. Appreciate the connection between computer graphics and the rest of computer science. For example, model vs. image.

  2. Internet resources.

  3. Why OpenGL rather than SRGP/SPHIGS?

  4. Late assignment policy.

  5. Class preparation.

  6. Topic outline and its relationship to hands-on OpenGL. Possibilities for Advanced topics: ray tracing, texture mapping, bump mapping, etc.



  1. Ivan Sutherland's sketchpad.

  2. Doug Engelbart's mouse.

  3. Xerox PARC's Alto.

  4. Inexpensive display technology.

  5. VLSI: video co-processors, enough CPU cycles for photorealism, and cheap, large memories.

Application Areas

  1. Display of Information: ``A picture is worth a thousand words.'' How best to represent large numeric data sets?

  2. Design: CAD, VLSI design. Visualization of design specifications.

  3. Simulation: flight simulators; heads-up displays; VR.

  4. User interfaces: window systems bring computing to the masses.


  1. Computer graphics.

  2. CRT.

  3. Pixel.

  4. Raster.

  5. Raster graphics, vector graphics.

  6. Scan line, scan conversion/rasterization.

  7. Primitive.

  8. Frame buffer, video controller.

  9. Depth.

  10. Refresh, refresh rate.

  11. Dot-size, addressability, interdot distance, resolution.

  12. Interlaced, non-interlaced.

  13. Bitmap, pixmap.

  14. Transparent, opaque.

  15. Aliasing.

  16. Persistence.


Overall architecture:

Hardware components:

  1. Processor.

  2. Memory.

  3. Frame buffer.

  4. Input, output devices.



  1. Electron Gun.

  2. Focus.

  3. X-, y-deflection coils.

  4. phosphor.

Multiple intensities available.


  1. Electron gun s: R, G, B.

  2. Shadow mask.

  3. Triads on the phosphor.

  4. Color mixing: intensity.

  5. Additive effects of RGB.

  6. Monitors are analog, but frame buffers are digital. ``True color.''

Thomas P. Kelliher
Thu Jan 22 17:54:43 EST 1998
Tom Kelliher