Homework 3

CS 320

50 points, due Apr. 6, 1998

Design a small maze, based on several rooms that fit into a grid. (Rooms will be simpler to deal with than hallways.) Your display should provide a small overhead view (with some indication of what direction the viewer is looking toward) and an immersed view. Put a few obstacles in each room as well as using two balls (spheres) which roll around the maze. Here are some design parameters:

  1. Modular design and literate documentation.

  2. Your collision detection and rendering should be ``smart,'' as we'll discuss.

  3. Minimize the number of ``building'' blocks used. Use display lists as much as possible.

  4. Movement:
    1. Up arrow: forward one unit.

    2. Down arrow: backward one unit.

    3. Left arrow: rotate left 1/16th of a turn.

    4. Right arrow: rotate right 1/16th of a turn.

    (To eliminate floating point round-off errors, store the rotation position as a small integer and convert that to radians as necessary.)

  5. Include a ``zombie'' which slowly and weakly follows the viewer. If the zombie ever collides with the viewer, the ``game'' is over. The zombie should have the general shape of a human.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Wed Mar 18 14:17:32 EST 1998
Tom Kelliher