CS 297
60 pts., Jan. 17
Each question is worth 4 points.
A designed set of characters, all of the same general appearance. It includes specific fonts, such as italic and bold.
Open the Insert menu, choose Break, choose Page Break.
Open the Edit menu, choose Replace, fill-in the appropriate boxes.
``What you see is what you get.''
Normal view doesn't show you how your document will look on the page, page layout view does --- you can see margins, headers, and footers.
No, because word uses the headings in order to create the Table of Contents.
Format, Paragraph, Indents & Spacing.
640x480, 800x600, 1024x768.
A picture element --- a ``dot'' on the monitor.
They are used to speed the loading of Web pages (they are smaller, byte-wise, than a full-sized image). They give you an idea of what the full-sized image would look like, and are links to the full-sized image.
To make computers easier to use. People are image-oriented and like to manipulate objects. They determined this by observing children learning.
Blank page, template, and wizard.
The Edit menu.
He rocks his body.