Publishing Your Web Pages

CS 297

Jan. 10, 1997

Your Web pages will be ``published'' to the web server on keystone. Keystone is used for instruction in several of the upper-level CS major courses. It is a Unix system ( groan). What that means is that it's not the easiest system in the world to use. But, it's where the web server is. Oh well. Fortunately, we'll rarely have occasion to deal with it directly. If all works out well, you'll only need to telnet to keystone to do two things:

Using Keystone

To use keystone, you must telnet to it. Here's how:

  1. From Windows, open Internet Tools and then open Telnet.

  2. You should be presented with an Open Session window. Enter keystone as the Hostname and press Open.

  3. Open the Setup menu, select Transports, then select Edit Transport Parameters. Press OK then press it again in the underlying window. (This is a magic incantation necessary in getting the program to behave properly. Don't ask me why.)

  4. You should have a login prompt in the telnet window. Type in your username and press return. If you make a mistake, just press return until you get another login prompt.

  5. You should now have a password prompt. You have to be careful about typing your password because you can't see what you've typed and Unix is case sensitive --- `` b'' is not the same as `` B'' as far as Unix is concerned. If you think you've made a mistake, don't try to use backspace or delete, they won't work. Instead, press and hold the Ctrl key and type one u character. Release both keys and re-type your password. If this doesn't work, press return until you get another login prompt and start over. If your username/password combination doesn't seem to work at all, call me over.

  6. You should be logged-in to keystone now.

  7. To log-out from keystone, type logout and press return.

Changing Your Password

  1. Telnet to keystone.

  2. Type the command passwd. You will be asked to type in your old password, to prove to keystone that you're who you say you are. Then, you'll be asked to type in your new password twice. Please follow the guidelines I gave in class for choosing a password. If your Novell password is a good password, use that one.

  3. Only one person at a time may change their password. If keystone gives any complaints about the password file being locked, wait a minute and try again. Keystone will also complain if you try to choose a password that's too easy to crack. Please heed the warnings.

  4. You can now use your new password.

Creating Your Web Directory

  1. Telnet to keystone.

  2. Type the command cd.
  3. Type the command mkdir public_html.

  4. Type the command chmod 755 public_html.

  5. Type the command ls -ld public_html. You should see something similar to:
    % ls -ld public_html
    drwxr-xr-x  11 kelliher  faculty  512 Jan  8 11:21 public_html/
    What matter here is the first string of the output, drwxr-xr-x. If that doesn't look right, call me over.

  6. You've now created your Web files directory on the Web server.

Publishing Your Files to Keystone

Before starting an editing session in Navigator, do the following:

  1. Open Navigator's Options menu, choose Editor Preferences and select the Publish tab.

  2. Make sure that Maintain Links and Keep Images with Document are both selected.

  3. Fill-in the Publish To location: ftp://keystone/home1/YourUserName/public_html/. For example, I set mine to ftp://keystone/home1/kelliher/public_html/.

  4. Fill-in Username with your username.

  5. For security reasons, don't fill-in your password.

  6. Press Ok.

Before publishing your first files, I want you to check something. Open the Web page you created with the image on it. Right-click the mouse button on the image and choose Image Properties. If the Image Filename starts with file://N|/web/, you have a problem. Call me over so that we can fix it.

Here's how to publish the files you've created so far:

  1. From the Navigator editor, open the File menu and choose Publish.

  2. If you want to publish all the pages in your web directory, select Include Files. The highlighted files are the ones which will be published.

  3. Verify that the Upload Location is what you set it to be earlier.

  4. Verify your username.

  5. Press Ok. You will be asked to enter your password.

  6. If the files were successfully published, you'll be told how many files were published.


  1. Publish the three Web files (two pages and one image) that you've created.

  2. Enter your URL into the browser and verify that your pages published correctly. If not, call me over.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Fri Jan 10 10:35:22 EST 1997
Tom Kelliher