Image Maps
Tom Kelliher, CS297
Jan. 17, 1997
- Must leave early today; won't be here tomorrow (lab will be open).
- Evaluation on Friday.
- Start publishing your pages so that you're not stuck Thursday
night/Friday morning.
- A few words on image maps.
- Hands-on exercise.
- Return quizzes.
- Idea: ``hot areas'' in image linked to URLs.
- Sadly, Map This! won't work in the lab.
- Creating image maps manually:
- Insert image in page.
- Take measurements for ``hot areas.''
- Use notepad to create image map in page.
- Link image to map using a target from image to map.
Example of HTML source:
<img usemap="#wcbannermap" src="WCBANNER.GIF" border=0>
<map name="wcbannermap">
<area shape=rect coords="202,110,278,150"
<area shape=circle coords="288,58,10"
<area shape=circle coords="302,84,10"
<area shape=circle coords="338,66,10"
- Using Paint Shop Pro for taking measurements: rectangles and circles.
- How does it look in the browser?
Thomas P. Kelliher
Mon Jan 27 10:44:14 EST 1997
Tom Kelliher