More Internet and Internet Applications

Tom Kelliher, CS297

Jan. 8, 1997

  1. Internet Clients, servers, services, URLs, domains, etc.

  2. Continuation of your World Wide Web exploring.

  3. Telnet exploring.

  4. Gopher exploring.

  5. USENET exploring.

  6. Reading:
    1. Simpson, Chs. 27--29; relevent to Internet applications. Ch. 30; relevent to setting up an Internet connection from home.

    2. Creating your first Web page. If you have time, try you hand at a simple page. It's easier than you think.
    3. A Beginner's Guide to HTML.

    4. The Bare Bones Guide to HTML.

    5. Guidelines for Web Document Style & Design

  7. Sample quiz questions.

Internet Clients, Servers, Services, URLs, Domains, Etc.

Continued from last time.

Continuation of Your World Wide Web Exploring

I see a Web page I like; how do I see how it was created?

Begin thinking about what you want on your home page and how you'll structure the pages.

Continued from last time.

Telnet Exploring


Gopher Exploring


USENET Exploring

Handout. This handout is on the reverse side of the Telnet handout.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Wed Jan 8 11:16:28 EST 1997
Tom Kelliher