The Internet

Tom Kelliher, CS297

Jan. 7, 1997

  1. The First 50 Years of Computing.

  2. History of the Internet.

  3. Internet Concepts.

  4. Connecting to the Internet.

  5. WWW.

  6. E-Mail.

  7. Readings and Hands-On Work.

The First 50 Years of Computing

A brief history of computing.

History of the Internet

A brief history of the Internet.


  1. Internet.

  2. internet.

  3. Intranet.

Internet Concepts

Clients, Servers, and Routers

  1. How do computers communicate?

  2. How are the computers connected?

  3. Why is the Internet sometimes ``slow''?

  4. The ``last mile'' problem.

Domains, Domain Names, and IP Addresses

Services and Ports

Connecting to the Internet

  1. Major service providers: AOL, Compuserve, Prodigy, MSN.

    Connecting to AOL. What you need:

    1. The software. How do you get that?

    2. A powerful enough computer: CPU, memory, disk storage.

    3. A fast modem.

    4. The right operating system.

    5. An access number.

    6. A credit card.

  2. Internet Service Providers --- the barebones.

    1. How do I find an ISP?

    2. A powerful enough computer: CPU, memory, disk storage.

    3. A fast modem.

    4. The right operating system and software:
      1. Winsock.

      2. Internet applications: web browser, e-mail client, news reader, telnet client, ftp client, ... (How can Netscape do most of this?)

    5. An access number.

    6. A credit card.

  3. ``All you can eat'' for $20.00/month.


  1. How do we find things?

  2. How do we search for things?


Is there anything you can't do?

Readings and Hands-On Work


  1. A brief history of the Internet.

  2. Web Etiquette

  3. A Beginner's Guide to URLs

Thomas P. Kelliher
Tue Jan 7 11:07:14 EST 1997
Tom Kelliher