CS 29
Apr. 15, 1997
These instructions are for dealing with the letter case problems on the Web server. Again, there are two steps.
or anything like that at the beginning of a file name,
remove it.
You should follow these steps every time you publish a page or pages.
[9] % ls Index.htm PHOTO.GIF photo.htm [10] % chcase Hello Welcome to case.pl ver 1.0 This program will change all your file names in the current working directory to all lower case You will see a series of filenames printed out to the screen The program will also output if it had errors while trying to rename your files. You should have one error for each directory that is . or .. All other subdirectories will be changed To continue and change your files press y To exit without changing filenames press n y File: photo.htm FileT photo.htm File: PHOTO.GIF FileT photo.gif File: Index.htm FileT index.htm File: .. FileT .. Could not rename file .. to .. File: . FileT . Could not rename file . to . Your file names have been changed If you had problems please contact John Busch at 7992 or Tom Kelliher in the CS department [11] % ls index.htm photo.gif photo.htm [12] %Note two things: