Web Publishing Wrap-Up; Terminology
Tom Kelliher, CS29
Apr. 1, 1997
- Projects.
- Thursday's quiz:
- Terminology (matching).
- HTML tags (matching).
- Web publishing: First Web Pages, Publishing Your Web
- Perl programs for ``lowercasing'' all files in directory due next
Tuesday (CS majors only).
- All Pages due by following Friday. E-mail your URL to me when
The problem:
- Unix recognizes case.
- DOS ignores case; thinks everything is UPPERCASE.
- Windows 95 ignores case; tries to Capitalize everything.
- What happens when I publish (ftp) from Netscape?
- Workarounds:
- ``Fix'' links.
- Manually rename files on Unix1.
Needed from CS majors:
- Perl program to lowercase (why?) all characters in all filenames in
current directory.
- Needed by next Tuesday.
- E-mail solution to me.
- Will need to be run each time you publish.
Some tags:
. End not needed.
. No end.
. No end.
: href=
, mailto:
: src=
. No end.
How is an HTML file like a Perl program file? Are there similarities?
- Clipboard.
- Warm boot.
- Hash
- Database Management.
- Dirnames.
- Read-only memory.
- Virtual memory.
- Primary memory.
- RAM.
- Mega-byte, giga-byte.
- BinHEX.
- Graphic file formats: .wmf, .bmp, .pcx, .tif.
- GNU.
- Awk.
- True.
- Getuserid.
- Debugging.
- Crypt.
- Tk.
- CGI.
- DBM files.
- Daemon.
- Filters.
- Difference between Internet and WWW.
- C.
Thomas P. Kelliher
Sun Mar 30 18:00:18 EST 1997
Tom Kelliher