Number Representation, Addition

Tom Kelliher, CS26

Nov. 26, 1996

Number Representation

Properties of number systems:

  1. Positional.

  2. Weighted.

Example: decimal

Binary weights:

  1. Integer.

  2. Fraction.

  3. Binary point.

  4. Bit numbering.

Unsigned value of an binary integer:

Representation error: splitting the gap.

Sign-and-Magnitude Representation

Msb is the sign bit:

  1. Has no weight.

  2. If 0, the number is ``positive.''

  3. If 1, the number is ``negative.''

  4. Value:

  5. Problems:
    1. Multiple representations of 0.

    2. Hard to build good adders.

  6. Decimal-to-binary conversions. Vice versa.

  7. Symmetric range.

1's-Complement Representation

Msb is the sign bit:

  1. Has negative weight: .

  2. If 0, the number is ``positive.''

  3. If 1, the number is ``negative.''

  4. Value:

  5. Problems:
    1. Multiple representations of 0.

    2. Wrap-around carrys.

  6. Conversions: decimal, binary, negative, positive.

  7. Symmetric range.

2's-Complement Representation

Msb is the sign bit:

  1. Has negative weight: .

  2. If 0, the number is ``positive.''

  3. If 1, the number is ``negative.''

  4. Value:

  5. Problems:
    1. Asymmetric range.

  6. Conversions: decimal, binary, negative, positive.

Unsigned Addition

Half Adder

Truth table:

Full Adder

Truth table:

Delay model for a full adder:

  1. Two gate delays from any input to any output.

Ripple-Carry Addition

  1. How would you tie full adders together to form an n-bit adder?

  2. What would it's delay be?

  3. For eight bit adders, what is an example input that would cause a full precision carry?

Carry Lookahead Addition

  1. Why bother with speeding up addition?

  2. Can we pre-compute the carries?

  3. Carry generate: .

  4. Carry propagate: .

  5. Some carry equations:

  6. A bit of recursion:
    1. Base case:

    2. Recursive step:

  7. Why this isn't feasible.

4-Bit Carry Lookahead Adder

  1. Design a 4-bit full carry lookahead adder.

    Block diagram:

    Block generate, propagate.

  2. What is the fan-in?

  3. What is the delay model from inputs to outputs?

4-Group Carry Lookahead Unit

  1. Design a 4-Group carry lookahead unit.

    Block diagram:

    Use of block generates, propagates.

  2. What is the fan-in?

  3. What is the delay model from inputs to outputs?

16-Bit Carry Lookahead Adders

Cascaded and full carry lookahead.

32-Bit Carry Lookahead Adders

Cascaded and full carry lookahead.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Mon Nov 25 18:14:25 EST 1996
Tom Kelliher