Homework 2 Solution


60 pts., due Oct. 3

For problems 2 and 3, use SPIM to test your program. Turn in well-commented program source and a sample run using script.

  1. Consider the following 68000 program:
             MOVEA.L     START,A0
             MOVEA.L     N,A1
             ADDA.L      A0,A1
             MOVEA.L     A0,A2
             MOVE.B      (A0)+,D0
    LOOP     CMP.B       (A0)+,D0
             BLE         NXT
             LEA         -1(A0),A2
             MOVE.B      (A2),D0
    NXT      CMPA.L      A0,A1
             BGT         LOOP
             MOVE.L      A2,DESIRED
    1. What does this program do? (Your answer must describe the program at a high level, such as ``It's C's strlen().'' Answers which state, ``It moves this and adds that,'' merely cause the instructor to pull out his hair and earn you no credit.)

      The program scans the string starting at the address in memory location START. The number of characters to be scanned is read from memory location N. The address of the smallest character in the string is stored at memory location DESIRED.

    2. How many 16-bit words are needed to store this program in memory?


       1:         MOVEA.L     START,A0       # 2 words, 2 data accesses.
       2:         MOVEA.L     N,A1           # 2 words, 2 data accesses.
       3:         ADDA.L      A0,A1          # 1 word.
       4:         MOVEA.L     A0,A2          # 1 word.
       5:         MOVE.B      (A0)+,D0       # 1 word, 1 data access.
       6:LOOP     CMP.B       (A0)+,D0       # 1 word, 1 data access.
       7:         BLE         NXT            # 1 word.
       8:         LEA         -1(A0),A2      # 2 words.
       9:         MOVE.B      (A2),D0        # 1 word, 1 data access.
      10:NXT      CMPA.L      A0,A1          # 1 word.
      11:         BGT         LOOP           # 1 word.
      12:         MOVE.L      A2,DESIRED     # 2 words, 2 data accesses.

      Instructions 1, 2, and 12 utilize short direct addressing, requiring one extension word for the 16-bit direct address. Those instructions move a long word (32 bits) between memory and a register, requiring 2 data accesses. Instruction 8 uses indexed addressing, requiring one extension word for the offset. Interestingly, the two branch instructions can store the offset within the instruction itself. The three byte movement ( .B instructions) each perform one memory access to transfer data.

    3. If the data is stored in memory like this:

      how many memory accesses (counting both data and instruction accesses) are performed in executing the program? Note that the characters are stored in memory using an ASCII encoding.

      Note that the original figure was wrong, but no one's answer seemed to hinge on it. The smallest character in the string is D, so the branch to NXT is always taken; instructions 8 and 9 are never executed. 46 memory accesses are performed in executing the program.

      What is the value stored in DESIRED?

      1008, the address of D.

  2. Write an R2000 program that generates the first n numbers of the Fibonacci series. Prompt the user for the value of n. The first few values of the series are:

    All calculations should be done in registers.

    #   Pseudo code:
    #   print prompt;
    #   read n;
    #   if (n < 1)
    #      return;
    #   else if (n == 1)
    #      print "0";
    #      return;
    #   eif
    #   print "0\n1\n";
    #   oldest = 0;
    #   old = 1;
    #   n -= 2;
    #   for ( ; n > 0; --n)
    #      current = old + oldest;
    #      print current;
    #      oldest = old;
    #      old = current;
    #   efor
    #   return;
    prompt:     .asciiz "Enter n: "
    nl:         .asciiz "\n"
    ans1:       .asciiz "0\n"
    ans2:       .asciiz "0\n1\n"
                .globl main
    main:       li $v0, 4            # Print prompt.
                la $a0, prompt
                li $v0, 5            # Read n.
                move $t0, $v0        # n in $t0.
                bge $t0, 1, elif     # n < 1.
                li $v0, 10           # Exit.
    elif:       bne $t0, 1, eif      # n == 1.
                li $v0, 4
                la $a0, ans1
                li $v0, 10           # Exit.
    eif:        li $v0, 4            # n > 1.
                la $a0, ans2
                li $t1, 0            # oldest in $t1.
                li $t2, 1            # old in $t2.
                addi $t0, $t0, -2    # Decrease n by 2.
    for:        beqz $t0, efor
                add $t3, $t2, $t1    # current is old + oldest.
                li $v0, 1            # Print current.
                move $a0, $t3
                li $v0, 4            # Print newline.
                la $a0, nl
                move $t1, $t2        # Update old, oldest.
                move $t2, $t3
                addi $t0, $t0, -1
                b for
    efor:       li $v0, 10           # Exit.

    What is the largest value of n that your program can handle?


  3. Write an R2000 program to compare two strings input by the user. Prompt the user for each of the strings, echo the strings, and then let the user know whether the strings are equal, the first is ``less than'' the second, or the first is ``greater than'' the second.

    Use a subroutine which prompts the user to enter a string and then reads the string. This subroutine will be called twice by your main program and should take two parameters: the starting address of the array into which the string is placed, and the length of the array. Use registers $a0 and $a1 for passing the parameters.

    Use the jal instruction to call your subroutine. The return address will be stored in register $31. If you don't make any nested subroutine calls (there's no need to) and you don't modify $31 (you shouldn't), you can just leave the return address there. To return to the instruction following the subroutine call use this instruction:

                jr $31

    Here's a hint as to how to structure your program:

                .data    # Declarations, constants for main.
                .globl main
    main:       ...
                jal gets # Call subroutine.
                li $v0, 10
                .data    # Declarations, constants for gets.
    gets:       ...
                jr $31
    #   Pseudo code:
    #   main:
    #   gets(str1, 80);
    #   gets(str2, 80);
    #   ps1 = str1;
    #   ps2 = str2;
    #   // Spim's read string syscall includes the newline as part of the
    #   // string read into an array.  So, '\n' terminates the string.
    #   while (*ps1 != '\n' && *ps2 != '\n' && *ps1 == *ps2)
    #      ++ps1;
    #      ++ps2;
    #   ewhile
    #   print str1;
    #   if (*ps1 < *ps2)
    #      print "less than\n";
    #   else if (*ps1 == *ps2)
    #      print "equal to\n";
    #   else
    #      print "greater than\n"
    #   eif
    #   print str2;
    #   return;
    #   gets(s, l):
    #   print prompt;
    #   read string into s;
    #   return;
    str1:       .space 80
    str2:       .space 80
    less:       .asciiz "less than\n"
    equal:      .asciiz "equal to\n"
    greater:    .asciiz "greater than\n"
                .globl main
    main:       la $a0, str1         # Read str1.
                li $a1, 80
                jal gets
                la $a0, str2         # Read str2.
                li $a1, 80
                jal gets
                la $s0, str1         # $s0 is pointer into str1.
                la $s1, str2         # $s1 is pointer into str2.
                lb $s2, 0($s0)       # $s2 is current character of str1.
                lb $s3, 0($s1)       # $s3 is current character of str2.
    while:      beq $s2, 10, ewhile  # 10 is ASCII for newline.
                beq $s3, 10, ewhile
                bne $s2, $s3, ewhile # Found difference in strings.
                addi $s0, $s0, 1     # Increment pointers.
                addi $s1, $s1, 1
                lb $s2, 0($s0)       # Get next characters.
                lb $s3, 0($s1)
                b while
    ewhile:     li $v0, 4            # Print str1.
                la $a0, str1
                li $v0, 4            # Compare and print comparison.
                bge $s2, $s3, elif   # str1 < str2.
                la $a0, less
                b eif
    elif:       bgt $s2, $s3, else   # str1 == str2.
                la $a0, equal
                b eif
    else:       la $a0, greater      # str1 > str2.
    eif:        syscall
                li $v0, 4            # Print str2.
                la $a0, str2
                li $v0, 10           # Exit.
    # gets
    prompt:     .asciiz "Enter a string: "
    gets:       move $t0, $a0        # Save argument.
                li $v0, 4            # Print prompt.
                la $a0, prompt
                li $v0, 8            # Read string.
                move $a0, $t0        # Restore argument.
                jr $31               # Return.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Fri Oct 18 17:13:59 EDT 1996
Tom Kelliher