MIPS ALU, Carry Lookahead Addition

Tom Kelliher, CS 240

Feb. 19, 1999




From Last Time

Building an ALU.


  1. MIPS ALU.

  2. Carry lookahead addition.

Coming Up

Constant time addition with alternative number systems.


What additional functionality needed?

  1. Subtraction.

  2. slt instruction.

  3. beq/ bne comparison.

  4. Overflow detection.


  1. Complementing the b input: additional control signal.

  2. Adding the 1.


  1. result = (a - b) < 0

  2. Additional mux input to one bit ALU.

  3. Need adder output from msb; wraparound to lsb position.

Branch Comparisons

Need signal to indicate that result equals 0.

Overflow Detection

Inputs: operation, signs of a, b, result.

Why carry-out in Figure 4.17?

Control Summary

Three input lines:

  1. Subtract b.

  2. Mux select: two lines.

  3. Eight possibilities, five used: and, or, add, subtract, set on less than.

Carry Lookahead Addition

  1. Why bother with speeding up addition?

  2. Divide and conquer approach to addition: , where .

  3. Can we pre-compute the carries?

  4. Carry generate: .

  5. Carry propagate: .

  6. Illustration: look at p, g, and c for 11010101 and 01110011.

  7. Some carry equations:

  8. A bit of recursion:
    1. Base case:

    2. Recursive step:

  9. Why this isn't feasible. The Winograd lower bound.

4-Bit Carry Lookahead Adder

The big picture. Restricting the carry computation circuitry to a tree structure:

What does this buy us?

  1. Design a 4-bit full carry lookahead adder.

    Block diagram:

    Block generate, propagate.

  2. What is the fan-in?

  3. What is the delay model from inputs to outputs?

4-Group Carry Lookahead Unit

  1. Design a 4-Group carry lookahead unit.

    Block diagram:

    Use of block generates, propagates.

  2. What is the fan-in?

  3. What is the delay model from inputs to outputs?

16-Bit Carry Lookahead Adders

Cascaded and full carry lookahead.

32-Bit Carry Lookahead Adders

Cascaded and full carry lookahead.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Thu Feb 18 12:43:50 EST 1999
Tom Kelliher