Final Review
Tom Kelliher, CS23
May 13, 1996
- The final is cumulative.
- This review only covers what we've done since the second midterm.
- The final is Thursday, May 16 at 11:30am in 150 Hoyt.
- Trees, binary and otherwise.
- Why not just use a list?
- Nomenclature: vertex, edge, search tree, leaf, etc.
- Traversals: preorder, inorder, postorder, postmodern.
- Under what conditions can an array-based implementation be used?
- Search tree operations: retrieve, insert, delete. Do
insert/delete keep the tree balanced?
- How are n-ary trees represented?
- Advanced class features, again.
- Virtual functions.
- Polymorphism.
- Late- early-binding.
- Pure virtual functions, abstract base classes.
- Static class members.
- Friends.
- Hash tables.
- Hash functions: purpose, properties of good ones, collision
resolution (linear, quadratic, double hashing).
- Clustering.
- Three entry states in a closed hash table.
- Separate chaining.
- Inefficiencies.
- SIMPL --- writing, interpreting small programs.
Thomas P. Kelliher
Sat May 11 16:53:53 EDT 1996
Tom Kelliher