Tom Kelliher, CS23
May 3, 1996
Well, if it's SIMPL, what is there to discuss?
From Wednesday:
= l, r // Assignment; lvalue, rvalue.
+ l, r // Increment.
+ l, vr, c // lvalue, variable rvalue, constant
+target,source,45 meaning: target = source + 45 +a,b, meaning: a = b +bob,,0 meaning: bob = 0 +i,i,-12 meaning: i -= 12
Limits on variable names?
Other operations?
?i,j,30Meaning: If i < j, branch to statement numbered 30, otherwise execute ``next'' statement.
<"mesg",i <"Hello world!\n", <,jMeaning?
How can we distinguish statements?
What state information do we need?
Is the language any good? Can we: