Linked Lists II
Tom Kelliher, CS23
Mar. 6, 1996
Actually, I don't intend to cover the assigned material in lecture; I'm
assigning it as outside reading. The most important sections are
Dummy Head Nodes and Doubly Linked Lists. You should read the
material and come to class prepared to ask questions.
I will use our class time for two major purposes:
Several (if not most/all) of you are quite confused about the concept
of a class. Come to class (or email me beforehand) prepared to ask me
questions to clear up the difficulty. I am not quite sure how to proceed
on my own before the class; I need some guidance from you as to what the
sticking points are.
We will spend time in the lab working on the current assignment and
diagnosing the telnet parameter problems to keystone.
Thomas P. Kelliher
Tue Mar 5 11:31:28 EST 1996
Tom Kelliher