CS 23
Answer each of the following questions (each is worth 3 pts.):
lpr -Plp rational.cc rational.h
to the directory ~tom/hw3/
? Your
current position within the file system is ~tom/
cp ~kelliher/pub/cs23/hw3/* hw3(Not the only way.)
g++ -g -o doom main.cc memory.cc io.cc
ls # Misses the dot files, but close enough.
Answer each of the following questions (each is worth 9 pts.):
char *makecopy(char *orig);The function should return the NULL pointer if a copy cannot be made.
char *makecopy(char *orig) { char *copy = new char[strlen(orig) + 1]; // Don't forget a position // for the '\0' character. if (copy == NULL) return NULL; strcpy(copy, orig); return copy; }
#include <iostream.h> int main() { int *p; int *q; int array[6] = {63, 98, 52, 67, 78, 34}; p = q = array; cout << (void*) array << endl; // Assume that 0x1000 is printed. p = array; *p = 6; q = p + 3; cout << (void*) q << endl; cout << *q << endl; ++p; *p = 9; cout << q - p << endl; for (p = array + 1; p < array + 5; ++p) cout << (void*) p << "\t" << *p << endl; return 0; }
This is printed:
0x1000 0x100c 67 2 0x1004 9 0x1008 52 0x100c 67 0x1010 78
Answer each of the following questions:
A public member may be accessed by any function. A private member may be accessed only by a member function.
class Factorial { private: int fact; public: Factorial(int n); int Yield(void); }; Factorial::Factorial(int n) { int i; assert(n >= 0); for (fact = 1, i = 2; i <= n; ++i) fact *= i; } int Factorial::Yield(void) { return fact; }
Write a recursive function which determines if a string is a palindrome. A palindrome is a string which reads the same way forwards as it does backwards (e.g., radar).
int palindrome(char *s) { return palinCheck(s, s + strlen(s) - 1); } int palinCheck(char *b, char *e) { if (b >= e) return 1; else if (*b == *e) return palinCheck(b + 1, e - 1); else return 0; }
Assume that you are given a List class with the standard list operations:
void QueueInsert(List &l, int i); int QueueRemove(List &l);QueueInsert() should insert i at the tail of the queue. QueueRemove() should remove and return the integer at the head of the queue. Your functions should properly handle error conditions.
void QueueInsert(List &l, int i) { assert(!l.full()); l.insert(i, l.size() + 1); } int QueueRemove(List &l) { int val; assert(!l.empty()); val = l.retrieve(1); l.delete(1); return val; }