Unix II

Tom Kelliher, CS23

Feb. 14, 1997

Homework assignment:

Project 11, pg. 48 of Carrano. Due Feb. 21 in class. Do your work on keystone. Print your source file(s); they will be collected in class. Use script to record a run of the program. Use pine to e-mail me the script file containing the run. (Use ^R to read the file into the message text. Do not use ^J to attach the file to the message text.) Ignore the optional part.

Unix Philosophy

Why use a command line interface? Why use Unix?

  1. The filesystem:
    1. Unified tree.

    2. Traversing the tree: ., .., ~, *, ?.

    3. Permissions on files. umask ( .cshrc) and file creation.

    4. Hidden files.

  2. Shell variables (modify/put in .cshrc):
    1. prompt
      set prompt="\
      %% "

    2. autologout: set autologout=120

    3. noclobber: set noclobber

  3. Aliases (modify/put in .cshrc):
    1. alias ? apropos

    2. alias cp 'cp -i'

    3. alias e %emacs

    4. alias grep 'grep -i'

    5. alias lpr 'lpr -h'

    6. alias ls 'ls -F'

    7. alias ll 'ls -l'

    8. alias msgs 'msgs -p'

    9. alias mv 'mv -i'

    10. alias rm 'rm -i'

  4. Environment variables (modify/put in .login)
    1. setenv BLOCKSIZE 1K

    2. setenv LESS "-ceiMswx3"

    3. setenv PAGER less

    4. setenv PRINTER ljg35

    5. setenv XRSH_AUTH_TYPE xauth

Common Activities

  1. Copying files.

  2. Moving/Renaming files.

  3. Changing permissions on files.

  4. Removing files.

  5. Printing files.

  6. Creating/Removing directories.

  7. Communicating: e-mail, messages, talk. ``Netiquette.''

  8. Personal information: personal home page, .plan and finger.

  9. Seeing who's on the system.

  10. Running the C++ compiler.

  11. Running a program.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Fri Feb 14 11:32:39 EST 1997
Tom Kelliher