Tom Kelliher, CS23
Feb. 7, 1997
Aids comprehension, debugging, modification; eliminates redundancy
No ``magic numbers'' --- use NAMED CONSTANTS.
Don't leave user in the dark.
Always validate inputs.
Invariants, pre- and post-conditions (discussed later)
Very personal subject.
#ifdef DEBUGGING cout << "Debugging was compiled-in." << endl; #endif
Two purposes:
A contract between caller (client) and callee (server)
Pre-condition states what must be true upon function entry
Post-condition states what will be true upon exit --- describing the transformation accomplished
/********************************************************************** sort pre-condition: the int array data contains integer values in its first numElems locations post-condition: the first numElems values of data are sorted into ascending order **********************************************************************/ void sort(int data[], int numElems) { ... }
What would the pre- and post-conditions be for:
int linkedListInsert(LinkedList& l, int position, ListItem item);
Four characteristics:
Consider the code:
const int SIZE = 100; int data[SIZE]; int i; int sum; // stuff to initialize data sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) sum += data[i]; cout << "Sum: " << sum << endl;What is the invariant?
Three more examples:
prod = 1; for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) prod *= n; // careful!!
void SelectionSort(dataType A[], int N) { for (int Last = N-1; Last >= 1; --Last) { // select largest item in A[0..Last] int L = IndexOfLargest(A, Last+1); // swap largest item A[L] with A[Last] Swap(A[L], A[Last]); } // end for } // end SelectionSort
int IndexOfLargest(const dataType A[], int Size) { int IndexSoFar = 0; // index of largest item found so far for (int CurrentIndex = 1; CurrentIndex < Size; ++CurrentIndex) { if (A[CurrentIndex] > A[IndexSoFar]) IndexSoFar = CurrentIndex; } // end for return IndexSoFar; // index of largest item } // end IndexOfLargest
Determine pre- and post- conditions and loop invariants for the following:
int fibSum(int n) { int fib1 = 0; // First number in Fibonacci sequence. int fib2 = 1; // Second number in Fib. sequence. int fib3; int i; int sum = 0; for (i = 2; i <= n; ++i) { fib3 = fib2 + fib 1; // Generate next number in sequence. fib1 = fib2; // "Move up" one sequence number. fib2 = fib3; sum += fib3; } return sum; }
int sumFive(int array[], int n) { int count; // # of positive elements found int i; // loop counter int sum // sum of positive elements for (count = i = sum = 0; i < n && count < 5; i++) if (array[i] > 0) { count++; sum += array[i]; } if (count == 5) return sum; else return -1; // Return garbage value if we can't find five // positive values. }
int binSearch(int data[], int n, int item) { int first = 0; int last = n - 1; int mid while (first < last) { mid = (first + last) / 2; if (data[mid] == item) return mid; else if (data[mid] < item) first = mid + 1; else last = mid - 1; } return -1; }