More Unix
Tom Kelliher, CS 220
Sept. 12, 1997
Did everyone get the program to run? Did you print the file? Did you
answer the questions?
Read Chapters 1 and 2 of Goodman & Miller.
- The more time you invest, the better you'll get.
- There's a lot to digest. Concentrate on what you need.
- What you need to start:
- Create a directory to store your work. Organize. Don't keep
all your files in your home directory.
- Decide upon and implement your file security strategy. Ensure
that no one else can see your homework files.
- You may want to switch to the Korn shell. How?
- How do you get info?
- You're most used to an IDE. In Unix, this is separated: editor,
compiler/assembler, execution, debugging, printing.
- Control of your keyboard.
- Wildcards.
- Command, file completions.
- Redirection.
- Pipelines.
- Background, foreground
- Preventing others from writing to your terminal.
- Single hierarchy.
- Moving around.
- Devices as files.
- The mode bits.
- Moving and copying files.
Thomas P. Kelliher
Fri Sep 12 09:01:51 EDT 1997
Tom Kelliher