Postfix Spim Project

CS 220

100 points, due Dec. 10, 1997

Simply, hand-compile the program on the class home page to the SPIM MIPS R2000 simulator. Demonstrate in person that your program runs. When you come in for your demonstration, bring a print-out of your program.

Ground rules:

  1. Implement the following functions:
    int isEmpty(void);
    int isFull(void);
    void push(int item);
    int pop(void);
    int getValue(void);
    void compute(void);
    void output(void);
    void die(const char *s);
    int main();

  2. Use mnemonic register names.

  3. Adhere to the following MIPS conventions: call, register use, and memory use.

  4. $t8 and $t9 may be used to permanently store the two external pointers ( stackPointer and next).

First milestone is Nov. 24: Lay-out the frame structure and write the bodies of the functions, save for main. Do not consider the call or return code for now.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Fri Nov 14 21:17:07 EST 1997
Tom Kelliher