Final Review

Tom Kelliher, CS 220

Dec. 10, 1997

The Final

  1. Thr. Dec. 18, 12:00-2:00 pm.

  2. Closed book. You will be provided with a summary of the SPIM instruction set.

  3. Material covered: as outlined below, Chapters 4, 5, 7, 8, and 9. If it's not mentioned below, it's not on the final (examples: 1's complement numbers, queues).

  4. SPIM, not SAL.

  5. Two problems will primarily involve writing SPIM code, other problems might ask you to modify code.


  1. Two's complement numbers.

  2. Addition, subtraction, multiplication of 2's complement numbers.

  3. Boolean operations, shift and rotate.

  4. The full adder.

  5. RISC, load-store architectures, registers, conventions for using registers and memory.

  6. The SPIM instruction set: ALU, data movement, branch, and syscall instructions. Pseudo-instructions.

  7. Addressing modes: immediate, register, direct, etc.

  8. Stacks and procedure frames.

  9. Parameter passing: in-register, in-stack. Mechanisms: by value, by address. Consider the following in C:
    void foo(char *charPtr, int array[], int size);
    How are the parameters passed?

Thomas P. Kelliher
Tue Dec 9 12:16:55 EST 1997
Tom Kelliher