Tom Kelliher, CS18
May 3, 1996
Picking up from last time...
int List::ListIsEmpty(void) { return list == NULL; }
int List::ListLength(void) { int len = 0; listPointer temp = list; while (temp != NULL) { ++len; temp = temp->next; } return len; }Is this the ``best'' way?
void ListInsert(int newPosition, int newItem) { listPointer newI; assert (1 <= newPosition && newPosition <= ListLength() + 1); if (newPosition == 1) { newI = new listItem; assert (newI != NULL); newI->next = list; newI->value = newItem; list = newI; } else { listPointer temp = list; newI = new listItem; assert (newI != NULL); while (newPosition > 2) { --newPosition; temp = temp->next; } newI->next = temp->next; newI->value = newItem; temp->next = newI; } }
Try the remaining List methods on your own.
Necessary files:
#ifndef __LIST_H #define __LIST_H #include <stdlib.h> struct ListItem { ListItem* next; int exponent; double coeff; }; typedef ListItem* ListP;
class List { private: ListP l; void Copy(const List& b); void Free(void); public: List(void) : l(NULL) {} ~List(); List(const List& b); const List& operator=(const List& b); int Insert(int exp, double co); int Retrieve(int exp, double& co); int Delete(int exp); void Print(void); // For testing. }; #endif
#include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include "list.h" void List::Free(void) { ListP tmp; while (l != NULL) { tmp = l; l = l->next; delete tmp; } }
List::~List() { Free(); } void List::Copy(const List& b) { ListP newCur; ListP bCur; if (b.l == NULL) { l = NULL; return; } l = new ListItem; assert (l != NULL); l->exponent = b.l->exponent; l->coeff = b.l->coeff; newCur = l; // Pointer to first item on target list. bCur = b.l->next; // Pointer to second item on source list. while (bCur != NULL) { newCur->next = new ListItem; assert (newCur != NULL); newCur= newCur->next; newCur->exponent = bCur->exponent; newCur->coeff = bCur->coeff; bCur = bCur->next; } newCur->next = NULL; } List::List(const List& b) { Copy(b); }
const List& List::operator=(const List& b) { if (this != &b) { Free(); Copy(b); } return *this; } // It's up to the user to ensure there are no duplicate exponents on // the list. int List::Insert(int exp, double co) { ListP tmp; tmp = new ListItem; if (tmp == NULL) return 0; tmp->exponent = exp; tmp->coeff = co; tmp->next = l; l = tmp; return 1; } int List::Retrieve(int exp, double& co) { ListP i; for (i = l; i != NULL; i = i->next) if (i->exponent == exp) { co = i->coeff; return 1; } return 0; }
int List::Delete(int exp) { ListP cur; ListP tmp; if (l == NULL) return 0; if (l->exponent == exp) { tmp = l; l = l->next; delete tmp; return 1; } cur = l; while (cur->next != NULL) { if (cur->next->exponent == exp) { tmp = cur->next; cur->next = cur->next->next; delete tmp; return 1; } cur = cur->next; } return 0; }
void List::Print(void) { ListP tmp; cout << "----------\n"; for (tmp = l; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) cout << "exp: " << tmp->exponent << " coeff: " << tmp->coeff << endl; cout << "----------\n"; }
#include <iostream.h> #include "list.h" void f(List a); int main() { List a; a.Insert(1, 2.3); a.Insert(4, 5.6); a.Print(); // List b; List b = a; // b = a; b.Print(); cout << a.Delete(1) << endl; a.Print(); b.Print(); cout << "Calling f().\n"; f(b); b.Print(); cout << "Testing self-assignment.\n"; List c; c.Insert(10, 11.12); c.Insert(13, 14.15); c.Print(); c = c; c.Print(); cout << "Testing multiple-assignment.\n"; a = b = c; a.Print(); b.Print(); return 0; } void f(List a) { cout << a.Delete(1) << endl; a.Print(); }