Class Inheritance and Derived Classes

Tom Kelliher, CS18

Mar. 20, 1996

A Banking Example


 * checking.h --- Class declaration for a simple checking account.
 * Tom Kelliher
 * A Checking object consists of an account number and balance.
 * Allowed operations:
 *    Constructor: Create a checking account with a given account
 *       number and balance.
 *    inputTrans: Apply a transaction (from enum TransactionType) to
 *       the account.
 *    printBalance: Print the account number and balance.
 * This class is a base class for a joint checking class.

#ifndef __CHECKING_H
#define __CHECKING_H

// Types of allowed transaction.
enum TransactionType { DEPOSIT = 'D', WITHDRAWAL = 'W' };

class Checking
   int accntNumber;
   double accntBalance;

   Checking(int number, double balance);
   void inputTrans(TransactionType type, double amount);
   void printBalance(void);


#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include "checking.h"

// These methods are documented in checking.h

 * Checking::Checking

Checking::Checking(int number, double balance)
: accntNumber(number), accntBalance(balance)

 * Checking::inputTrans

void Checking::inputTrans(TransactionType type, double amount)
   switch (type)
    case DEPOSIT:
      accntBalance += amount;

    case WITHDRAWAL:
      accntBalance -= amount;

      cout << "Illegal transaction code: " << char(type) << endl;

 * Checking::printBalance

void Checking::printBalance(void)
   // This method twiddles with output formatting.  We need to save
   // the output formatting and then restore it before returning.
   long oldPrecision;
   long oldFixed;

   cout << "The balance for account " << accntNumber << " is ";

   // Save previous formatting.
   oldPrecision = cout.precision(2);
   oldFixed = cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);

   cout << accntBalance << ".\n";

   // Restore previous formatting.
   cout.setf(oldFixed, ios::floatfield);


 * joint.h --- Class declaration for a simple joint checking account.
 * Tom Kelliher
 * A Joint object consists of a Checking base class with appendant
 * owner and joint owner SSNs.
 * Allowed operations:
 *    Constructor: Create a joint checking account with owner and
 *       joint owner SSNs, an account number, and an account balance.
 *    printSsn: Print the SSNs of the two owner.
 * Public inheritance of the Checking class is used, so see checking.h
 * for other allowed operations.

#ifndef __JOINT_H
#define __JOINT_H

// Read header file for base class.
#include "checking.h"

class Joint : public Checking   // Checking is inherited with public
                                // access.
   long ownerSsn;
   long jointOwnerSsn;

   Joint(long oSsn, long jSsn, int number, double balance);
   void printSsn(void);


#include <iostream.h>
#include "joint.h"

// These methods are documented in joint.h

 * Joint::Joint

Joint::Joint(long oSsn, long jSsn, int number, double balance)
: Checking(number, balance),   // Invoke constructor for base class.
ownerSsn(oSsn), jointOwnerSsn(jSsn)

 * Joint::printSsn

void Joint::printSsn(void)
   cout << "Owner SSN: " << ownerSsn << endl;
   cout << "Joint SSN: " << jointOwnerSsn << endl;

A Simple Driver Program

#include <iostream.h>
#include "checking.h"
#include "joint.h"

int main()
   Checking check(569248, 1000.00);
   Joint joint(111223333, 444556666, 987234, 500.00);

   check.inputTrans(DEPOSIT, 100.00);
   check.inputTrans(WITHDRAWAL, 50.00);

   cout << endl;

   joint.inputTrans(DEPOSIT, 39.00);

   return 0;

Driver Output

The balance for account 569248 is 1100.00.
The balance for account 569248 is 1050.00.

Owner SSN: 111223333
Joint SSN: 444556666
The balance for account 987234 is 539.00.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Tue Mar 19 09:29:50 EST 1996
Tom Kelliher