Introduction to Abstract Data Types and Object-Oriented Programming

Tom Kelliher, CS18

Mar. 13, 1996

Modular Programming --- The Old Paradigm

Example: Controlled Access To An Employee Record


#ifndef __DATA_H
#define __DATA_H

const int NAME_LEN = 30;

void GetName(char name[]);
int GetAge(void);
// ...


#include "data.h"

struct record
   char name[NAME_LEN];
   int age;

// static restricts scope to this file
static record employee = { "Kelliher, T. P.", 29 };  // and holding :-)

void GetName(char name[])

int GetAge(void)
   return employee.age;

#include <iostream.h>
#include "data.h"

int main()
   char name[NAME_LEN];

   cout << name << endl;
   cout << GetAge() << endl;

   return 0;

Can my client function use record as a type?

Is this a general, convenient-to-use solution?

Object Oriented Programming


  1. Large team project to create, prove, develop product
  2. Fiefdoms
  3. Proof of concept prototype
  4. Re-write for time/space efficiency before shipping

What can go wrong?

How can these problems be addressed?

Abstract Data Types (ADTs)

A collection of data together with a set of operations on that data.

Interface/Implementation (data structure)

ADT examples:

Example: Controlled Access To An Employee Record


#ifndef __DATA_H
#define __DATA_H

const int NAME_LEN = 30;

class Record
   Record(const char inName[], int inAge);
   void GetName(char outName[]);
   int GetAge(void);
   // ...

   char name[NAME_LEN];
   int age;


#include <string.h>
#include "data.h"

Record::Record(const char inName[], int inAge)
   strcpy(name, inName);
   age = inAge;

void Record::GetName(char outName[])
   strcpy(outName, name);

int Record::GetAge(void)
   return age;

#include <iostream.h>
#include "data.h"

int main()
   Record r("Kelliher, T. P.", 29);
   Record s("Presley, E.", 39);
   char name[NAME_LEN];

   cout << name << endl;
   cout << r.GetAge() << endl;

   return 0;

The List ADT

A list is a collection of ordered items

ADT List Operations

  1. CreateList()
  2. DestroyList()
  3. ListIsEmpty()
  4. ListLength()
  5. ListInsert(newPosition, newItem, success)
  6. ListDelete(position, success)
  7. ListRetrieve(position, dataItem, success)

List Parameters???

Have we specified a data structure (implementation)?

Behavioral specification


List l;
dataItem d;

l.ListInsert(1, bread, success);
l.ListInsert(2, butter, success);
l.ListInsert(3, jam, success);
l.ListInsert(4, toaster, success);
l.ListRetrieve(2, d, success);
l.ListDelete(2, success);

Building on ADT List

Without knowledge of the implementation:

  1. Write a display function
  2. Write a multiple insert function
  3. Delete all items and destroy entire list
  4. Build other ADTs from ADT List:
    1. Sorted list
    2. queue
    3. stack

Example: ADT Sorted List Operations:

  1. CreateSortedList
  2. DestroySortedList
  3. SortedListIsEmpty
  4. SortedListLength
  5. SortedListInsert(newItem, success)
  6. SortedListDelete(item, success)
  7. SortedListRetrieve(position, dataItem, success)
  8. LocatePosition(anItem, position, success)

ADT Design Examples

  1. Set
  2. Matrix
  3. String
  4. Terry Winograd developed a program called SHRDLU that was intended to model a simple ``world'' consisting of children's blocks of various shapes and colors. Among other things, SHRDLU was designed to simulate manipulation of the blocks by picking them up and placing them elsewhere. Design ADT block operations.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Tue Mar 12 15:43:40 EST 1996
Tom Kelliher