Recursion, Searching, and Efficiency

Tom Kelliher, CS18

Feb. 28, 1996

Binary Search

Things to notice:

Similarities to homework program?

int BinSearch(const int A[], int First, int Last,
              int Value)
   if (First > Last)
      return -1;      // Value not in original array

   {  // Invariant: If Value is in A, 
      //            A[First] <= Value <= A[Last]
      int Mid = (First + Last)/2;
      if (Value == A[Mid])
         return Mid;  // Value found at A[Mid]

      else if (Value < A[Mid])
         return BinSearch(A, First, Mid-1, Value);  // X

         return BinSearch(A, Mid+1, Last, Value);   // Y
   }  // end else
}  // end BinSearch

Efficiency of Recursion



int fib(int val)
   if (val <= 2)
      return 1;
      return fib(val - 1) + fib(val - 2);

Call graph for fib(6):

Tail Recursion

A function is tail recursive if the very last thing it does is make its recursive call.


void printLinkedList(list* l)
   if (l != NULL)
      cout << l->fname << " " << l->lname << endl;


int fact(int n)
   if (n <= 1)
      return 1;
      return n * fact(n - 1);

Are fact(), fib() tail recursive?

Head Recursion

What is it?

Write a recursive function which prints a reversed string

void reverse(char* s)
   if (*s != '\0')
      reverse(s + 1);
      cout << *s;

Is it head recursive?

Utility of head recursion


Write a recursive function which computes pow(n, i).

int pow(int n, int i)
   if (i == 0)
      return 1;
   else if (i == 1)
      return n;
      int partial = pow(n, i / 2);

      if (i % 2 == 0)
         return partial * partial;
         return partial * partial * n;

More efficient than iterative solution?

Lab Time

To work on the homework program

Thomas P. Kelliher
Mon Feb 26 16:44:14 EST 1996
Tom Kelliher