Introduction to Recursion

Tom Kelliher, CS18

Feb. 23, 1996


What is it?

A function that calls itself directly or indirectly to solve a smaller version of its task until a final call which does not require a self-call is a recursive function.

Divide and conquer approach

What do I need?

  1. Decomposition into smaller problems of same type
  2. Recursive calls must diminish problem size
  3. Necessity of base case
  4. Base case must be reached

Binary Search Algorithm

Looking up a word in the dictionary?


   if (Dictionary has only 1 page)
      Sequentially search page for word
      Open the dictionary to the middle page
      Determine which half of the dictionary the word is in

      if (The word is in the first half)
         Search(first half of dictionary)   // ignore second half
         Search(second half of dictionary   // ignore first half

Dictionary structure?

Compare to sequential search


Meet requirements?

Consider the code fragment:

   int i = 3;                 // 1
   cout << f(i) << endl;      // 2

int f(int a1)
   if (a1 <= 1)               // 3
      return 1;               // 4
   else                       // 5
      return a1 * f(a1 - 1);  // 6

Non-recursive version:

int fact(int n)
   int i;
   int prod = 1;

   for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
      prod *= i;

   return prod;

The Fibonacci Sequence



int fib(int val)
   if (val <= 2)
      return 1;
      return fib(val - 1) + fib(val - 2);

Call graph for fib(6):

Non-recursive version:

int fib(int val)
   int current = 1;
   int old = 1;
   int older = 1;

   val -=2;

   while (val > 0)
      current = old + older;
      older = old;
      old = current;

   return current;

Greatest Common Divisor


int gcd(int a, int b)
   int remainder = a % b;

   if (remaider == 0)
      return b;
      return gcd(b, remainder);

Fun with an Array

What does this do?

int main()
   int array[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

   mystery(array, 4);

void mystery(int array[], int size)
   if (size > 0)
      cout << array[size] << endl;
      mystery(array, size);

How about this?

int mystery(int array[], int size)

   if (size > 0)
      return a[size] + mystery(array, size);
      return a[size];


Write a recursive function which finds the maximum value stored in an int array.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Thu Feb 22 08:34:49 EST 1996
Tom Kelliher