Tom Kelliher, CS18
Feb. 16, 1996
C/C++ less abstract than BASIC
Plus unsigned
char string[] = "Hello, world.\n"; int data[10] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; cout << string; string[5] = '\0'; cout << string << endl; data[4] = 29;
struct employeeRecord { char name[NAMELEN]; int age; int salary; // unit is cents }; employeeRecord tom; strcpy(, "Thomas P. Kelliher"; tom.age = 34; tom.salary = 500;
Main memory --- RAM
Running program allocates memory for different purposes:
Each instruction stored in a word of memory
Consider the C code:
taxes = 1000; netPay = grossPay - taxes;
The corresponding assembler code:
li $16, 1000 sw $16, taxes($0) lw $17, grossPay($0) sub $18, $17, $16 sw $18, netPay($0)
C code:
if (num > max) max = num;
Assembler code:
lw $16, num($0) lw $17, max($0) ble $16, $17, eif sw $16, max($0) eif: ...
C code:
while (i < 10) { sum += i; i++; }
Assembler code:
lw $16, i($0) lw $17, sum($0) while: bge $16, 10, ewhile add $17, $17, $16 add $16, $16, 1 j while ewhile: ...
All values are binary
Signed, unsigned two's complement representation
Consider the four bit number:
Signed value:
Unsigned value:
Smallest, largest values for each representation?
Formulas for ranges of n-bit numbers?
Locating a specific element: indexing
Address of the element array[i]
address = AddressOfStartOfArray + sizeof(elementType) * i