Tom Kelliher, CS18
Feb. 12, 1996
Fundamental control mechanisms:
Where do functions fit in?
Modular programming:
Organizing a program into small, independent modules that are separately named and indivdually addressable program elements. These modules are integrated to become a software system that satisfies the problem requirements.
The one required function
The return statement:
Must a void function have a return statement?
Is there any restriction on where return is placed?
return in main vs. any other function
int addOrSubtract(int, int, int); // declaration void main() { // call before definition cout << addOrSubtract(ADD, 45, 65) << endl; return; } int addOrSubtract(int op, int val1, int val2) // definition { switch (op) { case ADD: return val1 + val2; break; case SUB: return val1 - val2; break; default: error("Invalid op"); break; } }
The data (integer, floating point number, character, address, etc.) associated with an identifier (rvalue).
The main memory storage associated with an identifier (lvalue).
Constants have no location
The region of a program in which an identifier is valid.
Types: file or block
// beginning of file int i; void f(void) { int j; ... } int k; void main() { int l; if (thisOrThat) { int m; ... } int n; ... } // end of file
The accessibility of an identifier from a particular statement of the program. An identifier must first be in scope before we can consider if it is visible or not.
Making a global identifier visible: the global operator ::
int i; void f() { int i; i = 3; ::i = 4; { int i; i = 5; ::i = 6; } }
The period of time during which a memory location is associated with the identifier.
Types: static, local, or dynamic
int i; int* f() { int j; static int k; int* p; p = new int; return p; } main() { int* q; q = f(); delete q; }