Linked Lists I

Tom Kelliher, CS18

Apr. 29, 1996

A Simple Example: Integers on a Linked List

Array Implementation

Declaration file:

#ifndef __ALIST_H
#define __ALIST_H

const int MAX = 100;

class List
   List(void) { size = 0; }
   void Insert(int newValue);   // add newValue to "beginning" of list
   int Delete(void);       // return and delete "first" item on list
   void Print(void);       // print list

   int size;   // number of items in list
   int items[MAX];


Implementation file:

#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include "alist.h"

void List::Insert(int newValue)
   assert (size != MAX);
   items[size++] = newValue;

int List::Delete(void)
   assert (size != 0);
   return items[--size];

void List::Print(void)
   for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; --i)
      cout << setw(10) << items[i] << endl;

How do we choose the size of MAX?

How do we add to the middle of the list?

Pointer-Based Implementation

Declaration file:

#ifndef __PLIST_H
#define __PLIST_H

#include <stdlib.h>
struct listItem
   listItem* next;
   int value;

typedef listItem* listPointer;

class List
   List(void) { list = NULL; }
   void Insert(int newValue);   // add newValue to "beginning" of list
   int Delete(void);       // return and delete "first" item on list
   void Print(void);       // print list

   listPointer list;


Implementation file:

#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "plist.h"

   listPointer temp;

   while (list != NULL)
      temp = list;
      list = list->next;   // unlink first item on list
      delete temp;         // delete it
      temp = NULL;

void List::Insert(int newValue)
   listPointer temp = new listItem;
   assert (temp != NULL);

   temp->next = list;
   list = temp;
   temp->value = newValue;

int List::Delete(void)
   listPointer temp;
   int returnVal;   // value of first list item

   assert (list != NULL);
   returnVal = list->value;   // get value of first list item
   temp = list;
   list = list->next;   // unlink first list item
   delete temp;         // delete first list item
   temp = NULL;
   return returnVal;

void List::Print(void)

   for (listPointer i = list; i != NULL; i = i->next)
      cout << setw(10) << i->value << endl;

Memory overhead?

How do we add to the middle of the list?

Linked List Client

#include <iostream.h>
#include "plist.h"

int main()
   List l;



   cout << "Deleted " << l.Delete() << endl;


   return 0;



The ADT List



int List::ListIsEmpty(void)
   return list == NULL;


int List::ListLength(void)
   int len = 0;
   listPointer temp = list;

   while (temp != NULL)
      temp = temp->next;

   return len;
Is this the ``best'' way?



void ListInsert(int newPosition, int newItem)
   listPointer newI;

   assert (1 <= newPosition && newPosition <= ListLength() + 1);

   if (newPosition == 1)
      newI = new listItem;
      assert (newI != NULL);

      newI->next = list;
      newI->value = newItem;
      list = newI;
      listPointer temp = list;

      newI = new listItem;
      assert (newI != NULL);

      while (newPosition > 2)
         temp = temp->next;

      newI->next = temp->next;
      newI->value = newItem;
      temp->next = newI;


Try the remaining List methods on your own.

Thomas P. Kelliher
Fri Apr 26 11:18:32 EDT 1996
Tom Kelliher