Tom Kelliher, CS14F

Oct. 31, 1996

  1. What is HTML?

  2. Where is it used?

  3. How is it like ``old-fashioned'' word processing?

Getting Ready to Construct Web Pages

  1. Create a directory, just for your pages, images, etc., on your N: drive. WWW is a good name.

  2. Use a text (ASCII) to work on each HTML file.

  3. The file extension should be .htm.

  4. The name of your home page should be index.htm.

  5. After I save my pages, how do I use the browser to view them?

  6. I've just seen a really great page. How can I see how it was done? Can I download it for myself?

Structure of a Web Page

<title>My first HTML document</title>

<h2>My first HTML document</h2>

Hello, <i>World Wide Web</i>!
<!-- This is a comment. -->
Greetings from<br>
<a href="">Westminster College</a>
<b>Composed with care by:</b>
<cite>(insert your name here)</cite><br>

  1. What's a tag?

  2. html section.

  3. head section.

  4. body section.


Most tags are used in pairs:


  1. <title>

  2. <center>

  3. <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, ...

  4. <i>, <b>

  5. <p>, <br>

  6. Special characters: &copy;

  7. Horizontal rule: <hr>
  8. Anchor:
    <a href="(URL)">Hypertext link</a>

  9. Lists:
    1. Unordered list <ul>

    2. Ordered list <ol>

    List items begin with <li>.

Web Resources

  1. The Bare Bones Guide to HTML

  2. WWW Help Page

  3. Guidelines for Web Document Style & Design

  4. A Beginner's Guide to HTML

Thomas P. Kelliher
Thu Oct 31 07:46:25 EST 1996
Tom Kelliher