Networking and Telecommunications
Tom Kelliher, CS14D,F
Dec. 2, 3, 1996
- What is a network? Telecommunications?
- What can it be used for?
- What is telnet? How do I use it? What can I do with it?
Ways for computers to communicate (transfer information) on-line.
- On-line?
- Protocol?
- Telecommunications --- using phone lines.
- Networking --- Using Ethernet, token ring, ATM, FDDI, etc.
- The line has blurred: PPP. The telephone ``network.''
- Gigabit networks and the grand challenges.
- Internet II.
- Modems
- Modulate/de-modulate: analog/digital.
- Baud rate --- bits per second. Common baud rates.
- Compression.
- Error detection. Fall back.
- Internal, external (serial port), PC card (PCMCIA).
- FAX modems. Area code explosions.
- Bandwidth and the ``last mile'' problem.
- Leased lines and Bandwidths.
- The future: ISDN (digital modems), cable modems (asymmetric
transfer rates). Satellite?
- Networking, Ethernet
- Media: Coaxial cable, twisted-pair, fiber optic cable.
- Network cards: internal, PC card. External?
- Ethernet, ATM bandwidth.
- How does Ethernet work?
- What is ATM?
- Packets.
- TCP/IP. SLIP, PPP. Layered protocols.
- Hubs, switches, routers, gateways.
- Internet, internet, intranet.
- Why LANs rather than mainframes?
- Backbones.
- Star, ring, and bus topologies.
- Client/server, peer-to-peer.
- Host operating system, network operating system. Network services.
- Bulletin boards.
- On-Line services.
- America Online, Compuserve, Prodigy.
- MSN. Office 97 and the Internet.
- The Internet: WWW, e-mail, USENET, etc.
- ISPs.
- Teleconferencing, telecommuting.
Uniform resource locator:
- Service name (optional with many browsers). Browsers vs.\
stand-alone tools.
- Host.
- Port.
- Path.
Host and domain names and IP addresses: ---
Top-level domains:
- edu
- com
- org
- gov
- mil
- net
Country domains:
- au
- ca
- de
- fi Why is this common?
- nl
- uk
Thomas P. Kelliher
Mon Dec 2 13:47:26 EST 1996
Tom Kelliher